To Set the Text we want to be showed at the column header of one SALV we first need to have been declared some vars:
First our ALV object TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table
Then we need another one to be the column collection TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table
Finally a csingle column var of TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table.
After that we now need to create the salv Object using the factory method of cl_salv_table Class, we need to the table that we want the Alv shows data.
Creating the SALV:
IMPORTING r_salv_table = alv
CHANGING t_table = T_tableView ).
Now we are going to set the column header texts, getting first the column collection from the ALV object created:
g_columns = ALV->get_columns( ).
g_columns->set_color_column( 'ROW_COLOUR' ).
g_columns->set_key_fixation( ).
CATCH cx_salv_data_error. "#EC NO_HANDLER
at this point we have a collection of columns, now we are going to find an especific column:
executing the get_column method passing the column field name mapped in the alv and saving the result to the column var.
g_column ?= g_columns->get_column( 'MESSAGE' ).
now we can set the header text for the MESSAGE column of the SALV, short,medium and long text:
g_column->set_short_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
g_column->set_medium_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
g_column->set_long_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
hope it helps.
To Set the Text we want to be showed at the column header of one SALV we first need to have been declared some vars:
First our ALV object TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table
Then we need another one to be the column collection TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table
Finally a csingle column var of TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table.
After that we now need to create the salv Object using the factory method of cl_salv_table Class, we need to the table that we want the Alv shows data.
Creating the SALV:
IMPORTING r_salv_table = alv
CHANGING t_table = T_tableView ).
Now we are going to set the column header texts, getting first the column collection from the ALV object created:
g_columns = ALV->get_columns( ).
g_columns->set_color_column( 'ROW_COLOUR' ).
g_columns->set_key_fixation( ).
CATCH cx_salv_data_error. "#EC NO_HANDLER
at this point we have a collection of columns, now we are going to find an especific column:
executing the get_column method passing the column field name mapped in the alv and saving the result to the column var.
g_column ?= g_columns->get_column( 'MESSAGE' ).
now we can set the header text for the MESSAGE column of the SALV, short,medium and long text:
g_column->set_short_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
g_column->set_medium_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
g_column->set_long_text( value = 'Mensaje' ).
hope it helps.
Very helpful, tx!