lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Publishing ABAP Function Module as Web Service


These is a good functionality that we can use instead of SAP .NET Connector to make Connections between our SAP System & Satelit Systems.

First we must have a Function Module or a defined BAPI, once we have these right click the object and a context menu appears, then press create->Web Service.

A Wizard shows up, then we must fill the first window data.
Choose EndPoint: Check the Name Mapping
Configure Service: As we are not require credentials, selects the PRF_DT_IF_SEC_NO Profile & Check the Deploy Service.

Finally as we are not requiring credentials to the consumer, we have to set an internal User, to do these we need to go transaction SICF, being there filter the service with the service that we assigned, double click the service and at the Tab Datos Logon.
In Transaction SOAMANAGER, Application and Scenario Communication Tab->Single Service Administration.
1. Filter By service.
2. Select the Service.
3.Click Apply Selection.
4.Select Configuration Tab.
At these point we have an Endpoint Created, but the Provider Security Tab is hidden so we are going to create other.
5.Click on Create EndPoint Button
6.Set the name
7.Communication Security: none
8.Authentication Settings: No Authentication
9.ABAP Service User: Fill user logon Data defined.

At these point we can consume the Service,

Hope it Helps,

Disable WebDynpro User Options Context Menu


These time im going to publish something that take me a lot of time to find out the solution, althoug it is a simple parameter i know that this could save you all of time.

If we have a User Shared WebDynpro Module And the users does not need to hide-unhide parts of it, we could start having troubles because some user hides components that the other needs.

What we can do is to Set an option parameter in the Application to disable personalization, the parameter is WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION With the value  X and type WDY_BOOLEAN, The description is Do Not Allow Personalization by the User.

Remember saving the modification in the language you need.

Hope this helps some one else,